1970 Chateau Margaux 750ml
Mediun garnet with wide rim. Still powerful intensity showing baking spices such as clove, star anise and licorice, mint, plum, sour cherry, dried rose petal, bell pepper, oak, earthy and oriental soy sauce. Tertiary bouquet is dominant of course but, surprisingly, there are primary aromas as well. It is elegant and complex on the nose. It was much more than my expectation. M to M+ in body and dry on the palate with sour cherry, cranberry, earthy, mint and baking spices.
Mediun garnet with wide rim. Still powerful intensity showing baking spices such as clove, star anise and licorice, mint, plum, sour cherry, dried rose petal, bell pepper, oak, earthy and oriental soy sauce. Tertiary bouquet is dominant of course but, surprisingly, there are primary aromas as well. It is elegant and complex on the nose. It was much more than my expectation. M to M+ in body and dry on the palate with sour cherry, cranberry, earthy, mint and baking spices.
Mediun garnet with wide rim. Still powerful intensity showing baking spices such as clove, star anise and licorice, mint, plum, sour cherry, dried rose petal, bell pepper, oak, earthy and oriental soy sauce. Tertiary bouquet is dominant of course but, surprisingly, there are primary aromas as well. It is elegant and complex on the nose. It was much more than my expectation. M to M+ in body and dry on the palate with sour cherry, cranberry, earthy, mint and baking spices.