1976 Chateau Cheval Blanc 750ml
Pale tawny color with garnet relics. The nose tells you of hot ripe fruit that has faded away over the last decade. Dominated by herbaceous and floral notes, the fruit only echos in the background, lovage and licorice, mushrooms and coffee. Balance lost due to acidity ahead of the concert, drying out and should be enjoyed soon. Finishing medium.
Pale tawny color with garnet relics. The nose tells you of hot ripe fruit that has faded away over the last decade. Dominated by herbaceous and floral notes, the fruit only echos in the background, lovage and licorice, mushrooms and coffee. Balance lost due to acidity ahead of the concert, drying out and should be enjoyed soon. Finishing medium.
Pale tawny color with garnet relics. The nose tells you of hot ripe fruit that has faded away over the last decade. Dominated by herbaceous and floral notes, the fruit only echos in the background, lovage and licorice, mushrooms and coffee. Balance lost due to acidity ahead of the concert, drying out and should be enjoyed soon. Finishing medium.