1976 Chateau Latour 750ml
Phenomenal texture and balance with a elegant drifting finish. She has lost most of her fruit and is primed to drink now but won’t grow pat maybe 2 years. Soft and refined, with hints of raspberry l and tyme, lingering finish turns to subtle hints of mineral and ash. A lovely lady.
Phenomenal texture and balance with a elegant drifting finish. She has lost most of her fruit and is primed to drink now but won’t grow pat maybe 2 years. Soft and refined, with hints of raspberry l and tyme, lingering finish turns to subtle hints of mineral and ash. A lovely lady.
Phenomenal texture and balance with a elegant drifting finish. She has lost most of her fruit and is primed to drink now but won’t grow pat maybe 2 years. Soft and refined, with hints of raspberry l and tyme, lingering finish turns to subtle hints of mineral and ash. A lovely lady.