2014 Opus One 750ml
Exceptional Cabernet Sauvignon with the classic Bordeaux coupage. Nearing perfection in terms of polishment. Total equilibrium with tremendous power and personality. Complexity but with the limits of honesty and frankness. More the French rather than the Nappa spirit. Aromas of ripe black and blue forest fruits. Violettes. Leather seats in expensive car. Fine cocoa. Havan cigars. In mouth, full but agile, silky. Elegant. Clean. Persistant. Straight message. Refined tanins. Great acidity.
Exceptional Cabernet Sauvignon with the classic Bordeaux coupage. Nearing perfection in terms of polishment. Total equilibrium with tremendous power and personality. Complexity but with the limits of honesty and frankness. More the French rather than the Nappa spirit. Aromas of ripe black and blue forest fruits. Violettes. Leather seats in expensive car. Fine cocoa. Havan cigars. In mouth, full but agile, silky. Elegant. Clean. Persistant. Straight message. Refined tanins. Great acidity.
Exceptional Cabernet Sauvignon with the classic Bordeaux coupage. Nearing perfection in terms of polishment. Total equilibrium with tremendous power and personality. Complexity but with the limits of honesty and frankness. More the French rather than the Nappa spirit. Aromas of ripe black and blue forest fruits. Violettes. Leather seats in expensive car. Fine cocoa. Havan cigars. In mouth, full but agile, silky. Elegant. Clean. Persistant. Straight message. Refined tanins. Great acidity.