Leconfield Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2018
Sydney Hamilton purchased the property that was to become Leconfield in 1974, having worked in the family wine business for over 30 years until his retirement in the mid 50s. When he acquired the property and set about planting it, he was 76, and reluctantly bowed to family pressure to sell Leconfield to nephew Richard in '81. Richard has progressively increased the vineyards to their present level, over 75% dedicated to cabernet sauvignon, the winery's specialty.
Dark black red. Cedar smokey aromas. Big thick wine chocolate cedar oak and vanilla integrated flavours alcoholic good length. Drinking well would keep longer still.
萊肯菲爾德酒莊(leconfield)於1974年創建,酒莊于1975年由悉尼·漢密爾頓在他76歲的時候正式落成。悉尼是南澳第一位葡萄栽培專家理查德·漢密爾頓先生的第4代後裔。萊康菲爾酒莊坐擁兩座澳洲最精華的產區庫納瓦拉(Coonawarra)和麥克拉倫谷(McLaren Vale),Coonawarra最出名的在於它那獨特的土壤“紅土”(Terra rossa),含有豐富的鐵質和礦物質,釀造出來的Cabernet Sauvignon充滿著薄荷和雪松的芳香,其口感極為均衡,單寧十分細密。而麥克拉倫谷是整個澳洲最接近地中海的產區,有著“澳洲的羅納河谷”的美譽,所釀出的葡萄酒具有新世界的奔放和舊世界的優雅古典等特色。酒莊首席釀酒師保羅‧戈登,擁有30多年的釀酒經驗,秉持著“沒有出色的葡萄,就無法釀造出優質的葡萄酒”的信念,運用莊園內30-60年的老藤葡萄,釀出的葡萄酒展現出極致的風土特色和濃郁的風味
100% Cabernet Sauvignon
14.5% Alc, 750ml
Sydney Hamilton purchased the property that was to become Leconfield in 1974, having worked in the family wine business for over 30 years until his retirement in the mid 50s. When he acquired the property and set about planting it, he was 76, and reluctantly bowed to family pressure to sell Leconfield to nephew Richard in '81. Richard has progressively increased the vineyards to their present level, over 75% dedicated to cabernet sauvignon, the winery's specialty.
Dark black red. Cedar smokey aromas. Big thick wine chocolate cedar oak and vanilla integrated flavours alcoholic good length. Drinking well would keep longer still.
萊肯菲爾德酒莊(leconfield)於1974年創建,酒莊于1975年由悉尼·漢密爾頓在他76歲的時候正式落成。悉尼是南澳第一位葡萄栽培專家理查德·漢密爾頓先生的第4代後裔。萊康菲爾酒莊坐擁兩座澳洲最精華的產區庫納瓦拉(Coonawarra)和麥克拉倫谷(McLaren Vale),Coonawarra最出名的在於它那獨特的土壤“紅土”(Terra rossa),含有豐富的鐵質和礦物質,釀造出來的Cabernet Sauvignon充滿著薄荷和雪松的芳香,其口感極為均衡,單寧十分細密。而麥克拉倫谷是整個澳洲最接近地中海的產區,有著“澳洲的羅納河谷”的美譽,所釀出的葡萄酒具有新世界的奔放和舊世界的優雅古典等特色。酒莊首席釀酒師保羅‧戈登,擁有30多年的釀酒經驗,秉持著“沒有出色的葡萄,就無法釀造出優質的葡萄酒”的信念,運用莊園內30-60年的老藤葡萄,釀出的葡萄酒展現出極致的風土特色和濃郁的風味
100% Cabernet Sauvignon
14.5% Alc, 750ml
Sydney Hamilton purchased the property that was to become Leconfield in 1974, having worked in the family wine business for over 30 years until his retirement in the mid 50s. When he acquired the property and set about planting it, he was 76, and reluctantly bowed to family pressure to sell Leconfield to nephew Richard in '81. Richard has progressively increased the vineyards to their present level, over 75% dedicated to cabernet sauvignon, the winery's specialty.
Dark black red. Cedar smokey aromas. Big thick wine chocolate cedar oak and vanilla integrated flavours alcoholic good length. Drinking well would keep longer still.
萊肯菲爾德酒莊(leconfield)於1974年創建,酒莊于1975年由悉尼·漢密爾頓在他76歲的時候正式落成。悉尼是南澳第一位葡萄栽培專家理查德·漢密爾頓先生的第4代後裔。萊康菲爾酒莊坐擁兩座澳洲最精華的產區庫納瓦拉(Coonawarra)和麥克拉倫谷(McLaren Vale),Coonawarra最出名的在於它那獨特的土壤“紅土”(Terra rossa),含有豐富的鐵質和礦物質,釀造出來的Cabernet Sauvignon充滿著薄荷和雪松的芳香,其口感極為均衡,單寧十分細密。而麥克拉倫谷是整個澳洲最接近地中海的產區,有著“澳洲的羅納河谷”的美譽,所釀出的葡萄酒具有新世界的奔放和舊世界的優雅古典等特色。酒莊首席釀酒師保羅‧戈登,擁有30多年的釀酒經驗,秉持著“沒有出色的葡萄,就無法釀造出優質的葡萄酒”的信念,運用莊園內30-60年的老藤葡萄,釀出的葡萄酒展現出極致的風土特色和濃郁的風味
100% Cabernet Sauvignon
14.5% Alc, 750ml