Glen Grant Arboralis 700ml
Released to mark the 180th anniversary of The Glen Grant Distillery, this bright, golden single malt scotch whisky is aged in ex-Bourbon & Spanish Sherry oak casks and is sheltered by tall, ancient trees in of the Glen Grant Distillery. With a soft aroma of fruit & honey, our golden liquid is matured until it achieves its signature complex elegance. Arboralis delivers notes of creamy toffee & ripe pears. Finishing with along, satisfying hint of delicate spice.
Colour: Bright gold.
Aroma: Floral & fruitywith dried raisins, honeysuckle, oaky malt notes & hints of lemon citrus.
Taste: Oak &butterscotch merge with dried fruits & a touch of light spice.
Finish: Long with maltyvanilla, pear drops.
Region: Scotland
ABV: 40%
Vol: 700ml
Released to mark the 180th anniversary of The Glen Grant Distillery, this bright, golden single malt scotch whisky is aged in ex-Bourbon & Spanish Sherry oak casks and is sheltered by tall, ancient trees in of the Glen Grant Distillery. With a soft aroma of fruit & honey, our golden liquid is matured until it achieves its signature complex elegance. Arboralis delivers notes of creamy toffee & ripe pears. Finishing with along, satisfying hint of delicate spice.
Colour: Bright gold.
Aroma: Floral & fruitywith dried raisins, honeysuckle, oaky malt notes & hints of lemon citrus.
Taste: Oak &butterscotch merge with dried fruits & a touch of light spice.
Finish: Long with maltyvanilla, pear drops.
Region: Scotland
ABV: 40%
Vol: 700ml
Released to mark the 180th anniversary of The Glen Grant Distillery, this bright, golden single malt scotch whisky is aged in ex-Bourbon & Spanish Sherry oak casks and is sheltered by tall, ancient trees in of the Glen Grant Distillery. With a soft aroma of fruit & honey, our golden liquid is matured until it achieves its signature complex elegance. Arboralis delivers notes of creamy toffee & ripe pears. Finishing with along, satisfying hint of delicate spice.
Colour: Bright gold.
Aroma: Floral & fruitywith dried raisins, honeysuckle, oaky malt notes & hints of lemon citrus.
Taste: Oak &butterscotch merge with dried fruits & a touch of light spice.
Finish: Long with maltyvanilla, pear drops.
Region: Scotland
ABV: 40%
Vol: 700ml