The Glen Grant 10 Years Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml
Glen Grant 10 Year Old Single Malt is a benchmark single malt Scotch whisky. With a bright golden hue, pear and vanilla aromas, fresh fruit and sweet malt bloom in the mouth like a dance, with a long and rich finish to finish it off perfectly.
Region: Scotland
ABV: 40%
Vol: 700ml
Glen Grant 10 Year Old Single Malt is a benchmark single malt Scotch whisky. With a bright golden hue, pear and vanilla aromas, fresh fruit and sweet malt bloom in the mouth like a dance, with a long and rich finish to finish it off perfectly.
Region: Scotland
ABV: 40%
Vol: 700ml
Glen Grant 10 Year Old Single Malt is a benchmark single malt Scotch whisky. With a bright golden hue, pear and vanilla aromas, fresh fruit and sweet malt bloom in the mouth like a dance, with a long and rich finish to finish it off perfectly.
Region: Scotland
ABV: 40%
Vol: 700ml